education capital resources and capital investment programme 2018/2019
Insert an additional recommendation after recommendation (1) as follows:
“(2)That the Committee approves the funding necessary to enable all necessary building, adaptation and other associated works undertaken at or Dorothy Stringer School to accommodate the “misplaced 38” children for September 2018 subject to the agreement of the Head Teacher and the Governing Body of the school
“(3)Authorise the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning to take all steps necessary or incidental to the above.
The amended recommendations to read:
(1) That the agreed allocation of funding as shown in Appendices 3 and 4 be approved for inclusion within the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2018/19;
(2) “That the Committee approves the funding necessary to enable all necessary building, adaptation and other associated works to be undertaken at or Dorothy Stringer School to accommodate the “misplaced 38” children for September 2018 subject to the agreement of the Head Teacher and the Governing Body of the school
(3) That the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning be authorised to take all steps necessary or incidental to the above.
(4) That the Assistant Director of Property & Design be granted delegated authority to procure the capital maintenance and basic needs works and enter into contracts with these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme.
Proposed by Seconded by
Cllr Gill Mitchell Cllr Dan Yates